Tellco Classic funds are generally available to all investors, Tellco Classic II Equities World is open only to Swiss pension funds.
The information on the investment companies contained on this website is not addressed to specific individuals but rather to a general readership who are interested in funds, among other things, and who live in a country where the investment companies are licensed to operate.
The Tellco funds may only be sold in the following countries:
- Tellco Classic – Inflation Protection ESG CHF hedged (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Bonds CHF ESG (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Bonds in foreign currency ESG (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Swiss Equities ESG (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Best Idea ESG (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic II – Equities in foreign currency (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Strategy 10 (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Strategy 25 (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Strategy 45 (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Strategy 100 (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Bonds in foreign currency ESG hedged (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Actions Alkimia ESG (Switzerland)
- Tellco Classic – Sustainable Heritage (Switzerland)
The information on funds provided on this website constitutes neither an offer nor an invitation to make an offer in a country where such an offer or invitation to make an offer is against the law or where the person who issues such an offer or invitation to make an offer does not have the authorisation to do so.
It is also not addressed to persons to whom such an offer or invitation to make an offer may not be issued by law.
As the Tellco funds are currently not registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 or the US Investment Act of 1940, Tellco fund units may in particular not be sold, offered or delivered in the US to investors domiciled in the US or to US citizens.
The information provided does not under any circumstances constitute recommendations for investments. Investments should only be made in units issued by investment companies after making a careful study of the latest product-specific documentation and obtaining qualified advice. All documentation, including prospectuses and annual and interim reports, can be ordered free of charge from 1741 Fund Solutions AG, Burggraben 16, 9000 St. Gallen.
Asset management
Many years of expertise for institutional investors
Asset management for pension funds, foundations and institutional investors
Place your trust in the experience and expertise of Tellco Bank Ltd: We have been managing around CHF 9 billion since 1995, including CHF 8 billion for institutional clients, CHF 5 billion of which for Swiss pension funds. Thanks to tailored solutions, the highest standards in terms of security and compliance as well as personal support, we are your reliable partner for sustainable asset management.
With a classic mandate which we recommend for investments of CHF 20 million or more, you benefit from tailored solutions and individual support that focuses on your needs.
Our services at a glance
For you to find the optimal investment strategy, we take your risk appetite, your return objectives and your financial situation into account. Tax aspects and individual characteristics are also considered in the process.
We invest in the following investment categories:
- CHF bonds
- World bonds
- Convertible bonds
- Swiss equities
- World equities
- Alternative investments
- Cash management
This variety of asset classes allows for broad diversification and a suitable balance between risk and return in the portfolio. Tellco Bank offers you flexible investment strategies that are tailored to your individual risk appetite and return objectives.
Flexible investment strategies for your individual goals
Whether you prioritise security or long-term returns, we have the right strategy for you. The following four investment strategies can be flexibly combined with one another to optimally achieve your personal investment goals:
Strategy 10
Objective: moderate risk, moderate growth
Portfolio: 10% equity component, focus on fixed-interest securities and real estate, supplemented by alternative investments (max. 30% foreign currencies).
Strategy 25
Objective: medium risk, growth in line with the market
Portfolio: 25% equity component, spread of fixed-interest investments, real estate and alternative investments (max. 30% foreign currencies).
Strategy 45
Objective: higher risk, dynamic investment
Portfolio: 45% equity component, diversified into fixed-interest investments, real estate and alternative investments (max. 30% foreign currencies).
Strategy 100
Objective: dynamic investment, long-term return
Portfolio: Up to 100% equity component, globally diversified. Ideal for investors who are focused on capital growth and high returns.
Customised investment strategies
For investors with special requirements and complex investment needs, we offer tailored strategies that can be adjusted to your personal goals and requirements.
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Do you have any questions, or would you like to schedule a no-obligation consultation? Our specialists will be happy to help you.
Sustainability and responsible investments
We integrate ESG criteria (environmental, social and governance) into our investment decisions in order to promote responsible investments. As an active co-owner, we also implement sustainability aspects through our voting behaviour in our target companies. This approach reflects our values and corresponds to the increasing expectations of our clients and society.
We believe that sustainability criteria can help to stabilise investment returns over the long term. We also invest in companies and projects that have a positive impact on environmental and social sustainability. Since 2024, Tellco has been supporting the good practice ranking of the Swiss Climate Alliance, thereby supporting the Energy Strategy 2050 and the Federal Government’s long-term climate strategy.
Find out more
Measurable results through sustainable strategies
Our investment philosophy is based on the benchmarking principle, meaning our results are measurable and comparable. We focus on clearly defined and systematically implemented investment processes aimed at sustainability, which enable an optimal weighting of individual asset classes. Our analysis takes macroeconomic data into account, developments in interest rate and currency policy, as well as sustainability criteria.
Our investment processes:
Investment tactics
The Tellco Investment Committee determines the investment strategy and monitors its implementation. In addition to the legal requirements, contractual agreements with clients are also decisive. Control elements such as duration (for bonds), sector weighting, currency allocation and option strategies (for equities) are applied precisely.
Portfolio construction
Portfolios are constructed step by step. Our experts first develop model portfolios based on macroeconomic analyses. These are only implemented into real portfolios after comprehensive checks and optimisation.
Equity selection
We use a top-down approach that combines quantitative models and fundamental analysis to identify equities with an optimal risk/return ratio. Our focus is on companies with a high ESG rating (positive screening). We systematically exclude companies that do not meet sustainability criteria including standards defined by the Swiss Association for Responsible Investments (SVVK-ASIR). Following an investment decision, we systematically exercise our voting rights according to sustainability criteria in order to promote responsible corporate practices.
Based on the defined benchmark, the allocation is regularly reviewed according to criteria such as duration, currency, country and sector distribution as well as credit rating. Here too, we apply positive screening and follow an exclusion approach according to SVVK-ASIR. We also exclude companies that are associated with coal production.
Mixed portfolios
A balanced mix of different investment strategies is prepared and continuously adjusted depending on our clients’ return expectations and risk profile.
Transparency and risk management to meet your goals
With a clear focus on sustainability, strict risk management and comprehensive reporting, we create security and transparency for your portfolio. Our processes ensure that your investment objectives are always the main focus.
Risk management and transparency
Strict risk management is essential for us. Our risk management process complements the tried-and-tested dual control principle with an early warning system that uncovers potential risks and compliance breaches at an early stage. Regular analyses and evaluations ensure control over performance and risk factors. Our analysis of environmental, social and governance risks (known as ESG risks) helps us to identify resulting financial risks at an early stage.
Reporting and proactive communication
Regular and detailed reports provide you with complete transparency on your portfolio’s investment returns at all times. We actively inform you about asset developments and will be happy to offer personal discussions in order to address your concerns. By taking swift action in the event of unfavourable developments and closely supporting the implementation of corrective measures, we ensure that your investment goals remain in focus at all times.
Sustainability report
According to the recommendations of the Swiss Pension Fund Association (ASIP), we offer regular, comprehensive and transparent reporting on the sustainability performance of the portfolio. This reporting includes:
- Goals and principles of our sustainability strategy, including our decarbonisation approach, sustainable portfolio management and applied ESG criteria. These include guidelines such as exclusion policy, positive screening principles and the principles of our stewardship approach (active ownership).
- Quantitative and measurable information on the exercise of voting rights, engagement and ESG aspects of the portfolio composition in the different asset classes. Examples include our CO2 reduction path, the Swiss Climate Scores, greenhouse gas emissions intensity, exposure to fossil fuels and information on impact investments.
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Contact or callback
Do you have any questions, or would you like to schedule a no-obligation consultation? Our specialists will be happy to help you.
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