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Investment funds

Flexible and diversified investment funds for discerning portfolios 

Invest according to your own ideas

Whether as a pension fund or a qualified private investor, Tellco offers a diverse range of flexible investment funds. With these funds, you can expand your portfolio in a targeted manner and sustainably cover individual asset classes without the expenditure of a specialised fund.

Your benefits with the Tellco investment funds


Comprehensive diversification

Broad diversification that protects your investments and reduces risk – the perfect foundation for your long-term investment goals


Flexible and precise selection

Wide range of products from various asset classes to optimally align your investment strategy with your personal goals




Recognised as “Good Practice” by the Climate Alliance Switzerland since 2024


Commitment to Switzerland

Investments in directly held Swiss real estate for stable and sustainable returns

Bond funds

Tellco Classic - Inflation Protection ESG CHF hedged

The fund invests primarily in inflation-linked bonds denominated in various currencies and issued or guaranteed by issuers with a good credit rating from recognised countries.
The currency risk is largely hedged in CHF. The underlying of these bonds is linked to the inflation index. As a result, inflation-linked bonds offer protection against inflation.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic - Bonds CHF ESG

The fund comprises a broad, well-diversified portfolio of fixed-interest bonds denominated in Swiss francs and adjusted to the benchmark index.

The strategy allows for the establishment and expansion of existing Swiss global bond portfolios. Following our own active investment approach, for example, duration or risk are adjusted to achieve outperformance compared to the benchmark.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic – Bonds in foreign currency ESG

The fund comprises a broad, well-diversified portfolio of fixed-interest bonds denominated in foreign currency and adjusted to the benchmark index.

The strategy allows for the establishment and expansion of the existing global bond portfolio. Following our own active investment approach, for example, duration or risk are monitored to achieve outperformance compared to the benchmark.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic – Bonds in foreign currency ESG hedged

The fund invests at least 85% in the master Tellco Classic Global Bonds fund.
The master fund comprises a broad, well-diversified portfolio of fixed-interest bonds denominated in foreign currency and adjusted to the benchmark index. The strategy allows for the establishment and expansion of the existing global bond portfolio. Following our own active investment approach, for example, duration or risk are monitored to achieve outperformance compared to the benchmark. Currency risks are hedged in Swiss francs.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Equity funds

Tellco Classic – Swiss Equities CHF ESG

The fund invests in a diversified equity portfolio based on the Swiss Performance ESG Weighted Index.

Following a semi-active approach, the fund invests in stocks with sufficient market capitalisation and an appropriate free float according to an economic environment, sector and country analysis. In particular, stocks with a leading position in the sector, a healthy financial structure as well as high profitability and good growth prospects in the long term are preferred.

Note: The fund is only permitted for pension funds.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic - Best Idea ESG

The Tellco Classic Best Idea fund invests in exchange-traded shares of companies whose growth expectations represent a multiple of global GDP growth due to their innovation.
These companies operate in the areas of technology, health or energy. The fund is actively managed on the basis of ongoing research, in which attractive growth themes are sought by means of sector analyses and the identification of innovation potential in the target sectors.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic II – Equities in foreign currency

The fund invests in an internationally diversified portfolio of equity securities in Europe, America, Japan and Asia based on the MSCI ACWI ESG Screened Index equity universe.
Following a semi-active investment approach, the fund invests in selected, mid- and large-cap stocks according to an economic environment, sector and country analysis. In particular, securities analysis favours companies with a leading position in the sector, a healthy financial structure as well as high profitability and good growth prospects in the long term.

Here you will find the factsheet and the brochure: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic - Actions Alkimia ESG

The fund’s objective is to invest over the long term in a limited number of equities of high-value companies in developed markets.
It is suitable for clients with a long-term investment horizon who seek capital gains and accept that equity markets can have a high degree of volatility. Up to 100% of the fund is invested in the equities of such companies.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic - Sustainable Heritage

The Tellco Classic Sustainable Heritage fund invests in all sectors that benefit from a sustainable future.
The investment universe includes themes such as renewable energy, energy storage, green and smart transport solutions, water and waste-water treatment, the digitalisation of energy systems and the integration of smart and efficient technologies in cities (smart cities).

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Strategy funds

Tellco Classic - Strategy 10

The fund’s purpose is to achieve moderate real growth in the assets managed by Tellco.
It is suitable for conservative investors for whom the preservation of the real value of their invested capital with additional return potential is the priority and who are looking for a globally diversified portfolio. On average, 10% of the fund is invested in equities.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic - Strategy 25

The fund’s purpose is to achieve growth in line with the market for the assets managed by Tellco.

It is suitable for income-oriented investors for whom the generation of above-average growth for their invested capital is the priority and who are looking for a globally diversified portfolio. On average, 25% of the fund is invested in equities.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic - Strategy 45

The fund’s purpose is to dynamically invest the assets managed by Tellco.
It is suitable for capital gains-oriented investors who expect an above-average return over the long term, are nevertheless aware of the price fluctuation risks and who are looking for a globally diversified portfolio. On average, 45% of the fund is invested in equities.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

Tellco Classic - Strategy 100

The fund’s purpose is to dynamically invest the assets managed by Tellco.
It is suitable for capital gains-oriented investors who expect an above-average return over the long term, are nevertheless aware of the price fluctuation risks and who are looking for a globally diversified portfolio. Up to 100% of the fund is invested in equities.

Here you will find the factsheet, the brochure, and the key information document: More information on Swiss Fund Data

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