For employers: Insurance certificate
Everything you need to know about the insurance certificate: clearly explained and available at any time on our online platform for insured persons, ePlix
Your insurance certificate at a glance
Understanding your insurance certificate is not always easy. This document contains a straightforward explanation of the most important aspects of your pension fund contributions and benefits, as listed on your insurance certificate, to ensure you have the best possible information.
Insurance certificate
/ Valid from: 01.01.2020
Example Ltd
Example Street 99
9999 Example
Plan no:
BVG-pflichtiges Personal
9999999 99999
Personal data
(99999 / 99999)
Example Example
Example Street 99
9999 Example
Date of entry:
Date of birth:
Activity rate:
Insurant's number:
Marital status:
100 %
married (date: 05.05.2010)
Salary data
Declared annual salary (income AHV)
Insured salary 1
Insured salary 2
Pension benefits
Annual old-age pension as per 30.04.2043
or non-recurring retirement capital (projected with 1.00%)
Pensioned annual children's pension per child
Retirement benefits in case of early retirement
Retirement at the age of
Annual old-age pension CHF
Capital CHF
In case of disability
Annual disability pension in case of illness (including accident over income FLAI),
waiting period 24 months
Annual disability children's pension in case of illness (including accident over income FLAI),
waiting period 24 months
Waiver of premium in case of illness or accident waiting period 3 months
In case of death
Annual partner's pension in case of illness (including accident over income FLAI)
before orderly retirement
Annual partner's pension in case of illness or accident
after orderly retirement
Annual orphan's pension in case of illness (including accident over income FLAI)
before orderly retirement
Annual orphan's pension in case of illness or accident
after orderly retirement
Lump-sum death capital in case of illness or accident as per 31.12.2020
(if not intended fort he financing of a partner’s pension)
Saving contributions 01.01. - 31.12.2020
Risk contributions 01.01. - 31.12.2020
Administration cost
Total cost
Your contribution for (monthly)
Jan – Dec
Retirement savings
Vested benefits as per 01.01.2020
Annual saving contributions as per 31.12.2020
Interest as per 31.12.2020
Vested benefits as per 31.12.2020
Withdrawal for financing residential property
Mortgage of residential property
Maximum possible withdrawal 2020
Tax deductible deposit into the retirement savings plan
Maximum deposit possible 2020
Possible minimum deposit
Computation without engagement
Assets on vested benefits accounts and vested benefits policies are to be deducted from the maximum possible purchase amount. Under certain conditions any possible pillar 3a credits may also be partly credited against the purchasing amount. Please note that all benefits resulting from a voluntary purchase are blocked for the next 3 years as far as cash payment is concerned. In other words, no cash payment (incl. interest) will be possible during this period, be it in case of retirement, freelance work, departure from Switzerland or for financing residential property.
Your purchase will only be processed after you have given in the form 'Application for a purchase into the Pension Fund'.
Valid from
Reference date for the values shown in your insurance certificate. This means that all values and forecasts are effective as of this date.
Information on the employer and key reference numbers
Here, you will find key information and numbers that we require for administrative processing. In particular, you should include the agreement number and the policyholder number (OASI number/social security number) in all enquiries, so that we can process them as quickly as possible.
Personal data
Your personal details (date of birth, gender, level of employment, marital status) and the date on which you joined the Foundation are required in order to calculate your benefits and contributions.
Salary data
Your salary forms the basis for the calculation of all benefits and contributions.
Reported annual salary
The reported annual salary corresponds to your pensionable salary (gross salary) and is consistent with the information shown in your salary statement. If you start a position during the year, it is extrapolated to show the amount for a full year (monthly salary × 12 or × 13). Please report any errors to your employer immediately.
Insured salary 1
The insured salary 1 is generally the basis for calculating your retirement credits.
Insured salary 2
The insured salary 2 is generally the basis for calculating your risk benefits (disability and death).
Under the regulations, a coordination amount can be deducted from insured salaries 1 and 2. This is designed to coordinate the cover with the first pillar (Swiss old age and survivors’ insurance (OASI)). The exact calculation method is described in your pension plan.
Benefits in old age
This section lists the projected benefits (annual retirement pension or one-off capital payment) that you will receive when you reach the normal retirement age.
Please note: This is a projected figure that is subject to a certain degree of uncertainty in the longer term. Particularly in cases involving younger policyholders, the projected figure may differ considerably from the figure that actually applies at the time of retirement. The exact old-age benefits, also taking any buy-ins into account, cannot be calculated with definitive effect until you actually reach retirement age.
Annual retirement pension
The annual retirement pension refers to your income from the second pillar after normal retirement. This benefit is paid out on a lifelong basis. The amount corresponds to your retirement capital, multiplied by the conversion rate. The conversion rate is the percentage used to calculate your annual retirement pension. It is set by the Board of Trustees and you can find the current conversion rate in the Appendix to the Pension Fund Regulations.
Example: Based on retirement capital of CHF 100,000 and a conversion rate of 6.0%, you will receive an annual retirement pension of CHF 6,000.
Retirement capital
The one-off retirement capital is calculated based on the current retirement savings available and the projected retirement credits including interest, for the period leading up to your normal retirement (projection). The interest rate is defined by the Board of Trustees.
The retirement capital forms the basis for calculating your annual retirement pension.
You can opt to receive a one-off lump-sum amount as opposed to an annual retirement pension by submitting an application at any time up until your first pension is paid out. Once your first pension has been paid out, this option is no longer available.
Annual retired person’s child pension
If your children are under 18 years old or are completing initial post-secondary education or training (up to the age of 25) when you retire, you are entitled to a retired person’s child pension. You will receive a payment corresponding to 20% of your retirement pension for each child.
Old-age benefits in the event of early retirement
The calculation is based on the same formula as the annual retirement pension or the one-off retirement capital. A reduced conversion date, however, is applied to reflect the shorter term. You can find this conversion rate in the Appendix to your Pension Fund Regulations.
Annual disability pension due to illness
The annual disability pension is the maximum pension paid out in the event of occupational disability due to illness. A partial disability pension is only paid out to individuals with a level of disability of 40% or more based on the invalidity insurance system.
If your employer has taken out a daily sickness benefits insurance policy for its employees, a waiting period of 24 months applies before a disability pension is paid out. The amount of your disability pension is defined in the pension plan. You can find detailed information on your entitlements in sections 24 et seqq. of the Pension Fund Regulations.
Annual disabled person’s child pension due to illness
The disabled person’s child pension is linked to the disability pension and is subject to the same terms and conditions. It is paid out for each child aged under 18 or completing initial post-secondary education or training (up to the age of 25). The amount is defined in your pension plan and set out here in your insurance certificate.
Exemption from premiums in the event of illness or an accident
Once the defined waiting period has passed, you are exempted from the obligation to pay premiums. Exemption from premiums is linked directly to occupational disability and comes into force both in the event of illness and if you are involved in an accident.
Benefits in the event of death
If you die due to illness, your spouse or partner is entitled to a lifelong partner’s pension. Your children are entitled to an orphan’s pension.
Registered partnerships or the nomination of a partner as a beneficiary must be reported in advance. Use the “De facto partnership declaration/support contract” (Konkubinatserklärung/Unterstützungsvertrag) form for this purpose.
Annual partner’s pension before retirement
The amount of the annual partner’s pension is defined in your pension plan and set out here in your insurance certificate. More detailed information on the entitlement is set out in sections 27.2 and 28.3 of the Pension Fund Regulations.
You can also opt to receive a one-off lump-sum amount (lump-sum death benefit) by submitting an application at any time up until your first partner’s pension is paid out. Once the first partner’s pension has been paid out, this option is no longer available.
Annual partner’s pension after retirement
If you die after you reach normal retirement age, your spouse or partner is entitled to an annual partner’s pension. This corresponds to 60% of your retirement pension and is paid out in the event of death due to illness or an accident.
Orphan’s pension before retirement
If you die before you reach normal retirement age, each of your children aged under 18 or completing initial post-secondary education or training (up to the age of 25) is entitled to an annual orphan’s pension, which is paid out in the event of death due to illness.
Orphan’s pension after retirement
If you die after you reach normal retirement age, your children aged under 18 or completing initial post-secondary education or training (up to the age of 25) are entitled to an annual orphan’s pension. This corresponds to 20% of your retirement pension and is paid out in the event of death due to illness or an accident.
Lump-sum death benefit (in the event that there is no entitlement to a partner’s pension)
The lump-sum death benefit is a one-off lump-sum payment made to your partner or your legal heirs and generally corresponds to the amount of your retirement savings that is available at the time of your death.
You can find more detailed information in your pension plan and in the Pension Fund Regulations (section 30).
An additional lump-sum death benefit can also be defined in your pension plan. Ask your employer for more information.
You and your employer finance your employee benefits insurance together.
Retirement credit contribution
The retirement credits are credited to your individual account and serve to finance the benefits you will receive in old age. The amount of the retirement credits is defined in your pension plan and set out here in your insurance certificate.
Risk contribution
The risk contribution is designed to finance the benefits paid out in the event of disability or death. The risk contribution amount is defined on a case-by-case basis and is based on your age and the amount of risk benefits defined in your pension plan.
Contribution to administrative costs
The administrative costs consist of a fixed and a variable component and amount to a maximum total of CHF 600.
Personal contribution
The personal contribution corresponds to the monthly deduction shown on your salary slip. The amount is defined in your pension plan and set out here in your insurance certificate.
Retirement savings
Your insurance certificate shows the minimum amount required pursuant to the Swiss Occupational Pensions Act (OPA) and your total retirement credits.
Retirement savings as of 1 January
Your retirement savings correspond to the capital you have saved to date, as of 1 January of the current year. This can be referred to as your pension fund account balance.
The amount includes the retirement credits paid into your account to date, vested benefits transferred to Tellco pkPRO, interest, and purchased contribution years and other allocations (e.g. due to divorce).
Retirement credits
The retirement credits correspond to the amount added to your retirement savings as of the end of the year.
The interest is calculated on an annual basis based on your retirement savings as of 1 January and is credited to you at the end of the year.
Promotion of home ownership
You can withdraw your retirement savings early to finance your own home (owner-occupied residential property). For detailed information, please refer to the regulations governing “Promotion of home ownership” (Wohneigentumsförderung).
Pledged pension benefits
Here, you can see whether or not you have already pledged your pension benefits, and in what amount, to finance your own home (owner-occupied residential property). These benefits act as an additional form of collateral for your lender (e.g. the bank you have taken out your mortgage with).
Maximum possible early withdrawal
In order to finance your own home, you can arrange for the maximum amount shown here to be paid out. It will then be deducted from your retirement savings. You must withdraw at least CHF 20,000. You can make an early withdrawal every five years.
You can withdraw an amount corresponding to your entire retirement savings up until you turn 50. Once you turn 50, you can withdraw half of your current retirement savings or the amount of the retirement savings you had at the age of 50, whichever is higher.
Tax-deductible pension deposit
Missing contribution years or salary increases can produce contribution gaps in your pension fund. You can use voluntary buy-ins to close these gaps. This allows you to benefit from tax savings and higher benefits after you retire.
If you are interested in voluntary buy-ins, please get in touch with us. We will be happy to provide you with information on what your options are in your specific case.
Maximum possible deposit
The maximum possible buy-in amount that can be deducted from your taxable income in the current year. In order to obtain an exact calculation, send us your application to purchase additional pension benefits.
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