Tellco Pension Solutions 3a Foundation
Here you can find the most important information about the Tellco Pension Solutions 3a Foundation.
Top rankings in independent comparisons
Tellco Pension Solutions 3a was established in June 2018 as an independent foundation of Tellco Bank Ltd. It is regulated by the OPA and foundation supervisory authority for central Switzerland (ZBSA). With its attractive interest rates, it has for years placed highly in independent comparisons, for example by Moneyland and Comparis. The offering is complemented by a wide range of low-cost investment funds.
Find out more about the advantages and possibilities of the Tellco pillar 3a account.
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Corporate governance
The Tellco Pension Solutions 3a Foundation is committed to responsible and transparent corporate governance. The Board of Trustees is headed by an outside independent chairman. All legal transactions with associates are disclosed annually, and a loyalty declaration is obtained annually to ensure a high level of integrity. Retrocessions are credited to the lawful beneficiary, which puts the focus on the interests of the insured. In addition to those of Tellco Bank, insured persons can also choose products from a wide range of low-cost external financial investments, which offers them flexibility and freedom of choice. These principles form the basis for the trust and transparency on which our success is based.
Structure & Organisation
Board of Trustees

Tellco Bank Ltd, Schwyz
Supervisory authority
Commercial register company no.
Payment information
Bank account
UBS Switzerland AG
IBAN: CH07 0023 0230 7164 8801 W
Reason for payment
Account number, first name and surname
Specify whether it is a contribution payment or a transfer
Tellco Pension Solutions 3a
Bahnhofstrasse 4
6431 Schwyz
Contact us
Bahnhofstrasse 4
Postfach 713
6431 Schwyz
t +41 58 442 65 00
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