With three new offers, Tellco pk offers occupational pension plans from a single source that are flexible, efficient and secure.
That way, every company can find the right Pension fund solution that fits its exact needs.
At Tellco pk, the focus is on flexibility, security and high cost efficiency. Companies in every sector can choose from among three needs-oriented packages, known as compartments: PRO, PULSE and INDIVIDUA.
The three compartments
The three compartments differ with respect to the investment strategy – from safety- to return-oriented – and the ability to freely determine the components of the Pension fund solution.
- With a 25 per cent equity component, PRO focuses on stability, with low price fluctuations and continuous yet moderate asset growth.
- With PULSE, by contrast, the focus is on growth: A higher equity component of 40 per cent means more opportunities but also greater fluctuations under certain circumstances.
- With INDIVIDUA, the insured company has the final say: Whether asset manager or custodian, direct investments or funds – the Pension fund commission makes the determination.
While the compartments PRO and PULSE are suitable for companies of any kind, the INDIVIDUA option is a special solution for businesses with 50 or more insured employees and investment capital of at least CHF 20 million. These requirements are in place so that a customised investment vehicle makes sense. That’s why INDIVIDUA is also appropriate for company-owned foundations that would like to affiliate with a collective foundation – for instance, because regulations are becoming more and more strict, meaning higher administrative costs. With INDIVIDUA, costs are stable. In addition, existing investments, such as real estate, can be contributed to it.
An occupational Pension plan that grows along with the company
The Tellco pk pension fund solution always adapts itself optimally to insured companies. If for example the staff or size of the company changes, the new needs can be better met by switching to a different compartment if necessary. At the end of each year, every affiliated company can switch from the PRO compartment to PULSE – or vice versa – at no charge. That makes it very easy to keep the occupational pension plan flexible – a big benefit in today’s fast-paced times.
Leading Swiss Pension fund
Tellco pk is one of the biggest pension funds on the Swiss market. It is growing constantly and currently has 10,000 affiliated companies and 95,000 insured persons, managing a balance sheet total of approximately CHF 4.26 billion (as of the end of 2022).
The pension fund has a notably young age structure. The average age of insured women is 40.7 years and that of insured men is 40.0 years. This means that the ratio of active insured persons to pension beneficiaries is also very favourable at Tellco pk: There are 21 active insured persons for every pension beneficiary (as of the end of 2022).
Find out more about our new solutions here.
Our pension experts will be happy to advise you personally. Click here to arrange for non-binding consultation directly here.
The flexible Pension fund
- The right solution for every company no matter the sector
- Compartments can be switched each year at no cost
- Flexibility when savings premiums fall due
- Bespoke advice, including at your location
The efficient Pension fund
- Time-optimised administration thanks to the web app iTellco
- High rankings in Pension fund comparisons in terms of low administrative costs
- Many years of experience with high quantities of changes
- Customer service by experts – in a variety of languages
The secure Pension fund
- Security-oriented, dynamic investment strategy
- Future-proof Actuarial assumptions
- Stability as a result of young age structure
- More than 20 years of pension expertise