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17 October 2022

OPA minimum interest rate remains yet again at 1 per cent

OPA minimum interest rate remains at 1 per cent: The Federal Council was informed at its meeting on 12 October 2022 that a review of the OPA minimum interest rate would be waived this year. 

As early as August 2022, the Federal Commission for Occupational Benefits Provision also came out in favour of maintaining the rate at 1 per cent.

The Federal Social Insurance Office informs in a release dated Wednesday, 12 October 2022, that despite the current difficult situation on the markets, maintaining the Minimum interest rate of 1 per cent is justified.

The reasons for this decision included the following:

  • The return on government bonds has increased significantly
  • Equities and real estate showed a positive performance in 2021, but there were significant setbacks in the current year

The OPA minimum interest rate determines the Minimum interest rate to be applied to the Pension assets of the insured person in the Mandatory OPA. The Federal Council must review the level of the Minimum interest rate at least every two years and will therefore carry out the review in 2023.

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Press release from the Federal Council