We do not leave anything to chance
The Tellco Investment Foundation was established in 2005 as a foundation pursuant to the Swiss Civil Code. It is subject to supervision by the Occupational Pension Supervisory Commission (Oberaufsichtskommission Berufliche Vorsorge, OPSC). It is open to Swiss staff pension funds, as well as beneficiaries of vested benefits foundations and pension 3a foundations, who have the option of investing in the foundation’s investment groups.
The Tellco Investment Foundation at present offers three investment groups: a widespread, well-diversified portfolio of Swiss residential and business properties, the Swiss Commercial Real Estate investment group with a focus on business properties, and a portfolio of primary and secondary investments (with a focus on secondary investments) in private equity focusing on buyout and growth capital strategies in developed markets (Private Equity investment group). This investment group is in run-off.
Although their contents differ, the investment groups on offer share the same features that make the Tellco Investment Foundation a preferred pension solution for our clients: an extensive power of co-decision to a degree commensurate to the invested amount, attractive conditions and low fees. Clearly defined corporate governance and risk management guidelines and processes are also standard practice for us.
What do we invest in?
The Swiss Real Estate investment group mainly invests in residential property. The real estate portfolio’s total component of business premises may not exceed 35%.
Where do we invest?
We focus on the urban metropolitan areas of Zurich, Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne and Central Switzerland and their conurbations. We only invest by way of exception in regions that are less developed in economic terms.
How do we invest?
The quality criteria used to select our real estate include, among others, geographic location, condition of the property, quality of construction and therefore potential, an evenly balanced list of tenants and the level of rents. We also make sure that the property is not entered in the register of potentially contaminated sites.
We also only acquire properties worth more than CHF 2 million and never invest more than 15% of our net assets in a single property. The borrowed capital may not exceed 30% of the market value.
What do we invest in?
The Swiss Commercial Real Estate investment group mainly invests in commercial property. The proportion of residential property may not exceed 20 per cent.
Where do we invest?
We focus on the urban metropolitan areas of Zurich, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne and Central Switzerland and their conurbations. We only invest by way of exception in regions that are less developed in economic terms.
How do we invest?
The quality criteria used to select our real estate include geographic location, condition, quality of construction and therefore potential of the property, as well as an evenly balanced list of tenants and the level of rents.
Furthermore, we only acquire properties worth more than CHF 2 million and never invest more than 15 per cent of our net assets in a single property. This restriction may be exceeded during the construction phase.
What do we invest in?
The Private Equity investment group gives investors the opportunity to invest in a globally and broadly diversified private equity portfolio. When choosing suitable investments, the focus falls on indirect secondary investments with a high rate of investment (usually between 70% and 80%). On occasion we also invest in primary investments. The private equity investments focus on buyout and growth capital strategies in developed markets.
The investment group is in run-off.
What fee model is applied?
As the fee model is based on the invested capital (net asset value), a high level of transparency is guaranteed.
Who are the asset management partners?
BlackRock Asset Management Switzerland Limited in Zurich is the strong partner at our side managing the Private Equity investment group.
Structure and organization
Board of trustees
Cornelia Deragisch, Chur (President)
Markus Staubli, Maur
Gilbert Huber, Zurich
2022 – 2025
2012 – 2025
2019 – 2025
Tellco Bank Ltd, Schwyz, Christa Janjic-Marti
Real estate portfolio management
Tellco Bank Ltd, Schwyz, Patrick Morf
Real estate management and administration
Tellco Real Estate Ltd., Baar, Roman Wiget
Grant Thornton AG, Claridenstrasse 35, 8002 Zürich
Supervisory authority
Occupational Pension Supervisory Committee (OAK BV), Berne
Commercial register company no.
Corporate Governance
The business processes of the Tellco Investment Foundation have been described in detail in various regulations and directives. All processes are audited by the internal auditors and independent external auditors as well as the investment controller. The people entrusted with the management and asset management are subject to the quality assurance guidelines of the Conference of Managers of Investment Foundations (KGAST). The competent Occupational Pension Supervisory Committee (OAK BV) in consultation with the external auditors also checks the management and asset management practices.
Risk management
Annual Reports
Statuten der Tellco Anlagestiftung (PDF)
Reglement der Tellco Anlagestiftung (PDF)
Anlagerichtlinien der Tellco Anlagestiftung (PDF)
Zeichnungs-/Rücknahmeschein (PDF)
Prospekt «Tellco AST Immobilien Schweiz» (PDF)
Factsheet «Tellco AST Immobilien Schweiz» (PDF)
Prospekt «Tellco AST Kommerzielle Immobilien Schweiz» (PDF)
Factsheet «Tellco AST Kommerzielle Immobilien Schweiz» (PDF)
Prospekt «Tellco AST Private Equity Run-Off» (PDF)
Factsheet «Tellco AST Private Equity Run-Off 2021 Klasse C» (PDF)
Factsheet «Tellco AST Private Equity Run-Off 2021 Klasse B» (PDF)
Factsheet «Tellco AST Private Equity Run-Off 2021 Klasse A» (PDF)
Factsheet «Tellco AST Private Equity Run-Off 2020 Klasse C» (PDF)
Factsheet «Tellco AST Private Equity Run-Off 2020 Klasse B» (PDF)
Tellco Investment Foundation
Bahnhofstrasse 4
Postfach 713
CH-6431 Schwyz
t +41 58 442 60 00