What you can expect of us

Banking services for all clients

From asset management to investment advice, we offer private and corporate clients a comprehensive range of banking services worldwide.

Far-sighted holistic solutions

We understand your needs and are familiar with your personal risk profile. Our solutions go beyond investment strategy. We offer assistance with tax matters and will be happy to conduct any further clarifications on your behalf.

Personal support by experts

You are our centre of attention. Personal support goes without saying. Place your trust in our expertise and long-standing experience in the private client business and investment banking.

What we can do for you

Your assets are in expert hands with us. Our financial services are based on the expertise of experienced internal and third-party experts. Our focus is on risk-conscious, active asset management that is always tailored to our clients’ desires and requirements.

We are here to help you in all aspects of asset management and investment advice. Your personal experts will of course be happy to conduct further clarifications on your behalf, in connection with taxes or other matters.


Execution only:
Your investment decisions, implemented by us.

Do you want to manage your investments independently and make your own investment decisions? Or are you looking for a solution for processing your instructions?

We offer you a wide range of investment products and access to global securities trading opportunities. You also benefit from safe custody of your securities, expert handling of your administrative activities and transparent reporting.

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Your pillar 3a

Build up your individual pension capital with Tellco Pension solutions 3a. Benefit from extra attractive terms with the straightforward online sign-up.

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Your vested benefits solution

The Tellco Vested Benefits Foundation supports you in all individual retirement saving questions, whether you are changing employers, moving abroad, buying a home or venturing into self-employment.

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Your private bank with tradition

We work in partnership with our clients in a transparent and goal-driven manner characterised by mutual trust. After all, enabling success over the long term requires precise knowledge of individual needs, as it is ultimately foresight and stability that are key to managing client assets.

We are able to tailor our services to your needs thanks to short decision-making processes and a great deal of flexibility. Our focus here is on risk-conscious, active asset management that is always tailored to our clients’ requirements.

Facts and figures

Numbers of employees 65
Assets under management CHF 9 billion
Location Schwyz, Zurich, Rheinfelden, Lausanne
Regulator Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
Auditor Grant Thornton

«Our focus is on risk-conscious, active asset management, tailored to our clients’ individual desires and requirements.»

Roland Straub
Head of Private Banking

Our internal and third-party experts allow us to provide solutions that meet the personal requirements of our private and corporate clients across the globe.

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