Structure and organization
Board of trustees
Daniel Greber (President)
Daniel Gresch
Christopher Kile
Tellco Bank Ltd, Schwyz
Grant Thornton Ltd, Zurich
Supervisory authority
Central Switzerland BVG and Foundation Supervision (ZBSA), Lucerne
Commercial register company no.
Payment Information
Payment options
Banking details
IBAN CH76 0882 0101 0100 0000 0
Reference: Surname, first name, AHV number
Tellco Freizügigkeitsstiftung
Bahnhofstrasse 4
6430 Schwyz
Corporate Governance
Tellco Bank Ltd is under an obligation to its shareholders, clients and employees to apply a good corporate governance policy. Like all companies of the Tellco Group, Tellco Pension Services Ltd complies with the corporate governance principles set out in the Swiss Code of Best Practice issued by economiesuisse, the watchdog of the Swiss economy. Tellco Bank Ltd prides itself on being a reliable and proactive partner for its clients who shares their high standards when it comes to ethical and moral business conduct. Our qualified and motivated employees actively apply these values to their daily work, thereby building a solid foundation for trust and mutual success.
Tellco Vested Benefits Foundation
Bahnhofstrasse 4
P.O. Box 713
6431 Schwyz
t +41 58 442 62 00